
The 13th Lujiazui Forum 2021 Opens Today


The 13th Lujiazui Forum 2021 themed on "China's Financial Reform and Opening Up amid Great Changes of the World" opened in Shanghai on themorning of June 10. Li Qiang, Secretary of CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee attended the opening ceremony and the first plenary session. Yi Gang, Governor of People’s Bank of China (PBOC) and Co-Chair of the Forum, and Gong Zheng, Mayor of Shanghai and Co-Chair of the Forum attended and addressed the Forum. Bruno Le Maire, French Minister of Economy, Finance and Recovery addressed the opening ceremony via avideospeech. Guo Shuqing, Party Secretary of PBOC and Chairman of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, Yi Huiman, Chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, and Pan Gongsheng, Deputy Governor of PBOC and Head of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange delivered keynote speeches at the Forum. The opening ceremony was moderated by Wu Qing, Vice Mayor of Shanghai.

The Forum features seven plenary sessions and one Night Chat by Huangpu River. Senior officials from governments and financial regulators, leaders from the business and financial community and renowned experts from around the globe are invited to explore eight topics with an array of hot issues in the economic and financial fields, namely"China’s Financial Reform and Opening Up amid Great Changes of the World", "Leveraging the Financial Market to Achieve Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality", "Economic Cooperation and Development in the Context of Global Pandemic Response", "The New Ecology of China's Capital Market with the Registration-based IPO System Reform", "The New Role of RMB and Allocation of Global Resources in the Context of "Dual Circulation"", "Finance Serves the Development of the Real Economy and Innovation of Science and Technology", "Digital Transformation of the Economy and the Financial Sector" and "Finance Helps Create "A Better Life": Consumption, Health Care, Elderly Care and Education". The Forum is expected to generate inspiring ideas for dealing with major global economic and financial issues and improving global governance in such fields.

The Lujiazui Forum, jointly hosted by the Shanghai Municipal Government and China’s national financial regulators, has been successfully convened for 12 editionssince its inception in 2008. The Forum has received a high level of attention from different parties and borne witness to the growth and progress of Shanghai towards an international financial . With the sound support of national financial regulators and concerted efforts of all parties, it has grown into a high-profile platform of dialog with extensive global influence as an iconic event of Shanghai as well as a window to showcase China’s financial development to the world.